Arts, Design and Humanity degrees are some of more practical degree subjects out there. You’ll be exploring different media, how they work, what they can be used for, and various ways of working.
Business Studies encompasses a cross section of departments you would naturally find in business: finance, accounting, economics, marketing, IT, statistics, human resources and law.
Computing and IT encompass a range of technical subject areas from quantum computing, network protocols to information technology and business intelligence models.
Design degrees are some of the more practical degree subjects as you’ll be exploring how to create products with real world applications.
Education, early childhood and youth courses provide you with an understand of the needs of children, adults and young people and prepares you to support their development.
Engineering courses cover a wide range of disciplines; from computer science to electronics, from construction to medicine. Graduate engineers are in high demand around the world.
Topics such as air pollution, climate change and tropical deforestation, and the effects of economic development on natural resource utilisation and management.
Health and Social Care courses are designed to provide you with the skills needed to work with some of society’s most vulnerable people, including the elderly, children, and adults with learning difficulties.
These courses enable students to explore the many causes of Health and Wellbeing with a particular focus on the social issues and inequalities inherent in affecting individuals, families and communities.
Language courses provide opportunities in a wide range of areas, and can open many doors, whether your dream career involves international business or just traveling and working in another country.
Law courses are available at a variety of levels, depending on whether you want to kick start a career in law or broaden your academic knowledge.
Mathematics and Statistics courses will equip you with the skills required for understanding and interpreting the value of the data surrounding all aspects of society today.
Degrees in communications and media focus on the delivery of information across a variety of mediums, from television and cinema to newspapers, magazines and online.
A solid foundation in core biomedical subjects such as anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and neuroscience. Ideal for those who seek a career related to healthcare, medical research, or even health management.
These courses provide students who are considering a career in nursing and healthcare with so many opportunities to train in order to enter the nursing and healthcare profession.
Psychology and Counselling courses are recognised by employers as useful as they show that students have developed people skills and knowledge that are invaluable in working with individuals and teams.
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths courses are all high on the Government's agenda for supporting the UK’s future competitiveness and growth.
Social Sciences courses provide an understanding of the workings of human society and can be utilised in a wide variety of areas such as law or finance as well as within social related fields.