Applying for Medicine

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Medicine is a very popular and extremely competitive course so you’ll need to be at the top of your game and have all your extra-curricular ducks in a row to get on to a medical course. If you’re going to study Medicine then you’re going to need to have high A Level grades. The majority of universities ask for AAA from potential students, with many asking for A*AA or higher.

Find out more about applying for Medicine

The process of applying for Medicine?

Medicine has long been one of the most popular degree subjects for students to apply for, making the application process highly competitive. Unlike other degree subjects there is also a slightly difference application process that you’ll need to be prepared for well in advance if you want to be successful.

Find out more about the process of applying for Medicine

What grades do I need to study Medicine?

With over 21,000 applicants each year it’s safe to say that Medicine is one of the most popular degree options for undergraduate students. This also means that it’s one of the most competitive degree choices for students, so you’ll have to work hard to ensure you’re successful.

Find out more about the grades you need to study Medicine

Accreditations to look for when applying for Medicine courses?

When you’re deciding which medical schools and Medicine courses to apply for it’s important to check that they are properly accredited to award you your medical degree.

Find out more about important accrediatations for Medicine courses

Writing a personal statement to apply for a Medicine degree

A personal statement is an essential part of any university application but it’s especially important for a Medicine degree because it’s where you get the chance to discuss your work experience and interest in medicine.

Find out more about writing a personal statement to apply for a Medicine degree

University open day questions to ask about studying Medicine

There are 33 medical schools in the UK, so you have plenty to choose from, and one of the best ways to decide whether a university is right for you is to attend their open day.

Find out more about the open day questions to ask about studying Medicine

Common interview questions for a Medicine course

If you’re considering applying for a Medicine course then you need to be prepared to attend an interview as part of the application process. As you’ll already know, the application process for Medicine is highly competitive and your interview will be a deciding factor for the admissions tutors when deciding whether to give you a place or not.

Find out more about common questions for medical school interviews

Career opportunities with a Medicine degree

As a potential medical student you’ll know that it’s a vocational degree and not an area you get into just for the salary. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t a number of exciting and highly rewarding, both emotionally and financially, career options open to you once you have your medical degree.

Find out more about common career opportunities with a Medicine degree
