Coping With University Stress

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Studying for an undergraduate degree is a step up the academic ladder and it can be a steep learning curve after completing your A Levels. When you combine this with the responsibilities of living away from home it can feel like you’re under a lot of pressure.

There are all sorts of things at university that can cause you stress but it doesn’t have to be a battle. Here’s our guide to coping with university stress:

Ask for help

If there’s a particular problem that’s making you stressed then ask for help with it. For example, if you weren’t sure what yesterday’s lecture was all about, ask your tutor for a one-to-one session.

Similarly, if you’re not very good at budgeting, go and see your university’s finance department and they’ll be able to help you put together a basic budget plan.

Look after yourself

Alcohol, late nights, poor diet, and mixing with a new bunch of people can lead to the dreaded “Freshers’ Flu” and that’s the last thing you need when you’re feeling stressed.

Prevention is better than a cure so eat plenty of fruit and veg, get a few early nights every week, lay off the alcohol at least three days a week, and take a good daily multivitamin.

Get outside

It can be tempting to spend all your time hiding in the library when you’ve got deadlines looming but getting outside and moving around will do you more good than constant studying will.

You don’t have to be exercise mad, just taking a 10 minute walk around the block can help clear your head and relax your mind.

Go to the doctor

If you really are feeling stressed, depressed, anxious, are having panic attacks, heart palpitations, or you just need someone to talk to – go and see your doctor.

They’re here to help and will be able to prescribe you counselling, medication, or another treatment to get you through the tough times.

Your university will also have a student nurse and/or counsellor to talk to if you don’t want to see a doctor.
